October 24, 2008

Spotty Sticks and Crazy Yarn are calling!

Do you hear your yarn calling to you?
Wanting to be created into something beautiful and useful?
Your Knitting needles begging to be picked up and put to use?

Mine do.

The sign of a true addiction?
Yes probably.
Oh well, some things you just have to give yourself over to.

How it all began for me just a few months ago was a dormant ability to knit and purl and no family members able to knit things for the trio of children.
I had enviously admired friends children adorned in various home knits.

It was while talking to Fresh Tea (also responsible for helping create new blogging addiction, thank you) whom I have known for years, knew to be talented at crafts, I realised she could knit.
Really knit!
Following patterns and everything.
I was excited, maybe she could help put my dormant ability to use?
She very kindly offered (or did I Beg?) to teach me how to read patterns and show me how to do all the other things needed to create a garment.
I was overcome with excitement.

After receiving an email of a couple of patterns to try my ability out on, I rushed out to buy required knitting needles and Yarn.
I had cast on, done a test gauge - and then began my first project - all before making it to the phone to discuss with Fresh Tea!

And so it began my first success.
The Debbie Bliss Pattern, Ribbon tied Baby Jacket (with a button!)

MOTH has resigned himself to neglected housework and the gentle click of knitting needles as he watches his favourite programmes.
AAHH bliss.

So with spotty sticks and crazy yarn calling, the need to find the perfect project for them is taking over my mind - I am thinking Lapghan.
So off to knitting pattern central I go.

1 comment:

Fresh Tea : said...

I only encouraged a good thing!
And to be in a blissful state while knitting is good for the soul!