December 29, 2008

Happy Birthday Fresh Tea

Well This blog is coming a little late as Fresh Tea's birthday was before Christmas, not after. After much indecision I became a bit like a possum in headlights, so all I came up with, that I had time to do, was this.

With the assistance of MOTH The tin was located. (Ideal I thought to house some of Fresh Tea's Growing collection of Buttons) Then came Making the Fudge.

Anyone else (with good sense) would have used a recipe that was tried and tested. Not me. Fortunately it really was a fail safe recipe courtesy of Nigella Lawson. SO the Chocolate Pistachio Fudge turned out.

Now to the knitting. I have finished my sisters caplet. And although it was cast off before Christmas I am still looking for the perfect button or pin to complete it.

I can hear the havoc in the background peaking so best I go and be a good Mummy and supervise, negotiate, and most of all referee!!